Praisepics is a daily devotion that combines Bible verses with Bayard Black's Photos. It's 100% Free to subscribe and is delivered to your inbox up to 5 days a week. Images include landscapes, portraits, wildlife, and macro photographs that all make beautiful device backgrounds. Each image is accompanied by a related Bible verse.
Shop for prints, clothing, and Praisepics inspired accessories.
Bayard's vivid photography makes beautiful device backgrounds, can be shared with friends, and helps subscribers remember Bible verses.
Praisepics is a daily devotion that combines Bible verses with Bayard Black’s photos. It’s 100% Free to subscribe and is delivered to your email inbox up to 5 days a week. Images include landscapes, portraits, wildlife, and macro photographs that all make beautiful devices backgrounds.
Praisepics is getting the praise of others.
Praisepics is a daily reminder of God's rule and reign in all of creation and in our lives.
I remember the picture, and the verse comes rushing right back.